Treatment Modalities


ACUPUNCTURE - the insertion of fine needles into various points along channels of the body to remove areas of blockage and increase circulation of Qi (energy), blood, and fluids. Chosen points depend on your specific pattern and diagnosis, which is assessed by reported symptoms, palpation of the pulses, channels, and abdomen, and observation of the tongue. 

CUPPING - the placement of small glass cups onto the body using heat-induced suction to greatly stimulate circulation of energy and increase blood flow. This is often recommended for large areas of chronic muscle tension, or where knots and adhesions have formed over time. Patients often report that it feels like a deep tissue massage. 

 GUA SHA - spooning or scraping of lubricated skin using repeated strokes of applied pressure along the muscles. Petechia forms at the skin surface indicating varying levels of blood stasis. This technique can break up knots and oxygenate chronic stiff muscle areas, and stimulate the fascia layer to promote cellular repair. 

MOXIBUSTION -  the burning of moxa (dried Chinese mugwort) over acupuncture points. This has been found to increase immunity, improve circulation, decrease inflammation, warm those who are chronically cold, and increase vitality. Various forms may be used and will be explained by the practitioner.

CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE -  traditional herbal formulas that have been tried and tested over thousands of years, which are then individualized to your specific condition. We start with a base formula and then add or subtract herbs as needed. In this way, it is completely tailored to you! Applications may include pills, granules, raw/bulk herbs decocted into tea, tinctures, plasters, or poultices. Herbs are purchased through reputable sources to ensure quality and safety.


NUTRITION THERAPY - individual dietary advice that incorporates foods based on their nature, properties, and temperature in a way that balances the patient's presentation. For example, if a patient is pale, weak, with poor memory, dry hair and skin, numbness/tingling of the limbs, and blurry vision, it may be necessary to increase foods that support and nourish the blood while avoiding foods that are cold in nature. This is offered alongside general nutrition advice.

AURICULAR 5-NEEDLE PROTOCOL - a highly effective method for both trauma and detoxification. This method is used by Acupuncturists Without Borders in areas of war and natural disasters to balance the nervous system following trauma. In the clinical setting, it is often used for trauma work of any kind, and specifically for the accompanying symptoms that come with it such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, night terrors, or distressing memories. Additionally, it’s utilized in drug and alcohol treatment alongside a recovery treatment plan to help minimize the withdrawal symptoms and to detox the body. This can also include nicotine and chronic use of medications. In this case the patient must be under the guidance of their physician to properly taper the dose.